A comedian. Improvisation, sketch and stand-up comedy are his forte. Originally from Denver, Colorado, where he did comedy for about 4 years before moving to Chicago. TJ miller has appeared on PBS on the show The Standard Deviants, and in various DVDs and school educational programs. He has done voice over for Old Style, Second City Las Vegas and The Chicago Historical Society. He studied Classical Acting at B.A.D.A in Oxford, England and circus arts at Frichess Theatre Urbain. After moving to Chicago he performed at comedy venues in all over Chicago and New York. He has improvised with the group Chuckle Sandwich (The Toronto International Improv Festival, DC Comedyfest), and Sturgis (IO), and performed sketch comedy with Heavy Weight (The Chicago Sketchfest, Second City Unhinged). He toured with Second City for almost 2 years, and was on the house team Bullet Lounge at IO. 演艺经历 米勒参与了环球影片公司《搜救队》的制作,并与亚当·佩里和托马斯·米德勒蒂奇合作2014年,他在《变形金刚4》中以男主角聒噪的同事亮相,非常抢眼。电视方面,米勒将参演迈克·乔吉制作的家庭影院频道喜剧系列《硅谷》。第四季后TJ米勒退出《硅谷》。米勒还是尼特斯网络广播出品:《跟T.J·米勒兑现》的皇牌播客。这节目改变了传统播客采访的形式:的主持人只有一个嘉宾──T.J·米勒。2014年,他为《超能陆战队》中的弗雷德配音。 人物争议 2018年4月9日晚,T·J·米勒(T·J·Miller)因为谎称火车上有炸弹,被警方逮捕,隔天以美金10万元(约为人民币62万元)保释,事后FBI、康涅狄格州警察局、美国铁路工安局等正积极调查此事,一旦罪名确立,他最严重将面临5年刑期。